Suara Hati Adalah Kata Yang Tertunda

Kehidupan selalunya diakumulasi oleh dua suara yang selalu berkelahi dalam diri manusia. Yaitu Suara Hatinya dan Suara nafsunya. Hati yang selalu didampingi dengan perasaan dan raut wajah. Nafsu yang selalu didampingi dengan Akal dan Lidah. Namun selalunya suara hati itu terkalahkan oleh nafsu yang tidak terfilter. Blog ini pun hadir sebagai ungkapan2 hati ketika bersuara di dalam dada, namun tak sulit untuk dikatakan dengan lidah dan acapkali dengan bait-bait syair.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Mukhlis Zamzami Can

A b 0 u T me

I'm a very simple man belonging to simple family. I'm a fun person who enjoys with people who have good sense of humour and presence of mind

I wanna be a responsible person which was keeps his word and mouth, becouse if i keep my responsible i can to counting on to do whatever task my assigned.

And I believe a friend can confide in me. I wanna be also responsible and trustworthy. I believe that a responsible person is always there when a friend needs them. A responsible never blames others for his actions. If they screw up, they take the blame and any punishment for the course of action which they chose to take. A responsible person realize that many times he is not only responsible for himself but for others. How about you???

and 'who' i want to search & meet >>>> I'm searching for a women who can lead and guide towards the right islamic way of life instead of being honest, understanding & carring all the time.

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